Monday, October 3, 2011

Operation Twist in layman's terms...

I'm sure you've heard of the "Operation Twist" that the Fed is trying to influence.  What this means is they are trying to pull long term rates down while trying to push short term rates higher...the idea is to help increase short term savings rates and bring down long term mortgage rates.

Here is a summary of rates on the Treasuries on September 1st and then again on September 30th:

Sept 1:  
1 year: 0.10 %
3 year: 0.31%
5 year: 0.90%
10 year: 2.15%
20 year: 3.10%
30 year: 3.51%

Sept 30:
1 year: 0.13 %
3 year: 0.42%
5 year: 0.96%
10 year: 1.92%
20 year: 2.66%
30 year: 2.90%

Operation Twist: successful so far.

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